Locum Letter – Christ the King

Locum Letter

Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King against a context where those who set the agenda for the world are those who control the corridors of power. Democracy appears to be fragile. Democratically elected governments across the world are in trouble with voters of all political persuasions tired of rhetoric, the pursuit of ideology as an end in itself, self interest and short term gain. New political parties are emerging in this environment appealing to fringe attitudes and being a less tolerant and compassionate community.

In Australia we are privileged to live in a society that prides itself on respect for others, a universal health scheme and many other social provisions. Such an environment can only be maintained when we together share values that bind us and not separate us from each other. We are enriched by difference and have managed diversity with a great deal of success. In light of the recent plebiscite the challenge and the agenda is for us all to live in harmony with each other irrespective of our views and opinions.

The Feast of Christ the King takes place in this context and at the centre of the readings is not power as the world seeks to exercise it but the ethic of love. What merits our redemption is service to others, outreach to people suffering distress and compassion for the needy. As Christian s we believe that love conquers all and we are to love one another as Christ loves us .

Shalom Ray