Locum Letter for Advent 1.

Locum Letter for Advent 1

Today we begin the season of Advent and over the next four Sundays we will be challenged by our readings each Sunday to prepare ourselves for the coming of Jesus among us as a human child. In my younger day Advent was much the same as Lent, a penitential time of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. While elements of these themes remain the season of Advent has been balanced by the themes of hope and expectation.

During the next four weeks we are invited to look and listen, to open our eyes to the world around us and to look for the one who is to come and who is already among us and in the places we may least expect to find him.

Today’s three readings proclaim the day of the Lord and as disciples and followers of Christ we are called to watch and pray. We are however not to use the season of Advent to beat ourselves with a stick or to fear remorseful for past mistakes. It is not to burden us with guilt.

Advent is to be a positive experience for all and a time to evaluate our own faith journey and to enjoy the fullness of the Christmas message of peace and goodwill.

