Psalm for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost – Psalm 13

l How long O Lord will you so | utterly. for | get me:
how long will you | hide your | face from | me?
2 How long must I suffer anguish in my soul
and be so grieved in my heart | day and | night:
how long shall my | ene .my | triumph | over me?

3 Look upon me O Lord my | God and | answer me:
lighten my | eyes . lest I | sleep in | death;
4 Lest my enemy say ‘I have prev|ailed ag|ainst him’:
lest my foes ex |ult| at my | overthrow.

5 Yet I put my trust in your un|failing | love:
O let my heart re | joice in | your sal|vation.
6 And I will make my | song . to the | Lord:
because he | deals so | bounti.fully | with me.