September TMA available September 6th

The September issue of TMA (The Melbourne Anglican) will be available at the close of the service on September 6th. This issue includes:

* TMA and Editor Roland Ashby win the 2015 Gutenberg Award for excellence in religious communication, the highest honour of the Australasian Religious Press Association (ARPA);

* Archbishop Freier responds to SRI’s removal from class time;

* An interview with leading Church of England Missioner Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Chelmsford, who says mission is “not about ‘scalp-hunting’ for Jesus”:

* A report and two viewpoints on the debate about same-sex marriage;

* A tribute to one of the great prophets of our time – the Revd Dr Martin Luther King Jr;

* A review by Barney Zwartz of Roy Williams’ latest book Post-God Nation? How religion fell off the radar in Australia – and what might be done to get it back on.

* The Revd Canon Professor Dorothy Lee reflects on the relationship between meditation, mindfulness and Christian Faith;

* A viewpoint on the theological implications of the discovery of the earth-like planet Kepler-452b, or Earth 2.0.

Roland Ashby, Editor, TMA