The Reverend Canon Dr. Ray Cleary – Sermon for Advent 4

Advent 4 2017

Can you remember in your life a moment or occasion, a revelation, a life-changing event, a kind of moment after which life is never the same again? An AHA moment. I recall one of those moments, and there have been a few of them, when my life and the life of my family changed forever. I had been struggling with faith, or perhaps the Church, disillusioned and aggrieved at the Church’s response to matters of poverty, its inertia on many social and ethical issues of the day and the appearance that it always sided with those in authority. I had never had a conversion as my evangelical colleague ‘s claim. I have never doubted the existence of God although my knowledge and relationship with God has changed over the years and I feel is still changing.

As I was walking with our young children along the beach at Lorne one cold winter’s day, winter is always the best time at Lorne, no crowds, I suddenly said to myself out loud, ok God you win and I lose. I had thought of the possibility of Ordination for some years but my state of mind about the institution called the Church was not too appealing. If anything I was too radical for the Church. I have not always been very good as “simply towing the official line” if I believe it to be wrong and obeying authority for the sake of it. A rebellious steak still surfaces from time to time.

This Lorne moment was a profound moment for me along with my marriage, the birth of our children and now Grandchildren. We have as a family been richly favoured.

What have been your life changing experiences? The time when you were confident that you have made the right choice about your career or life long partner, or the death of a loved one or when listening to music, viewing art or simply being a friend to another. These are all life changing experiences, some immensely good for us and others that challenge who we are and what we believe. Sometimes we run away from such experiences or pretend they do not exist, while others we embrace with enthusiasm.

In today’s Gospel we read and hear of a momentous change event that must have been startling, unbelievable, astonishing, surprising and frightening to a young 15-16 year old girl. Mary lacks all the credentials that most human beings think important for anyone making such a dramatic change in history. What qualifications did Mary have for the task. Indeed almost everything is against her: age, inexperience, gender, material possessions and powerlessness. I wonder what Mary was doing at the time the angel Gabriel appeared to her.

Perhaps she was doing the household duties, fetching water, and thinking about her forthcoming marriage to Joseph, praying or scrubbing the floor? There is no mention in Luke’s Gospel as why Mary has been chosen to be the mother of Jesus. More is said about Joseph {he is of the house of David}. Even in the case of Zechariah and Elizabeth Luke explains that they are righteous and blameless. A word is not spoken about the virtues or vices of Mary. This of course is precisely the point. God chooses and Mary does not earn or deserve to be the mother of Jesus any more than any other woman.

Mary as we have just heard receives a shattering and awe inspiring moment. This is a moment that will change her life and the world forever. Her child would be different. I know from the birth of our own children and now grandchildren that we hope for normal healthy children and so do all parents. Mary on the other hand is not only to give birth by the Holy Spirit but her child is to be different. Her first reaction to this news is caution, silence and puzzlement. As we read in the Gospel, “She was deeply disturbed by these words and asked herself what this greeting could mean.”

Mary’s life would never be the same as it is with us when we have a life changing experience. How much Mary understood of what happened at the time is unclear but she does come to the realization that God is at work here and commits herself to be the voice and parent of this child Jesus. Her words in the Magnificent, {the song of Mary} as I said last week are revolutionary and challenges all that corrupts and exploits God’s world.

Mary’s world was turned upside down in a moment. She would never be the same. Her story gives her a unique place in history. But the story is much more than history. It is historic.

Mary’s role in the story of Jesus is sadly often sentimentalized and ignored. She is a mother yes but much more. She sings a song of God proclaiming God and sees hope and aspiration not in celebrities, power brokers, bullies and oppressors, not in the rich or rich places but in the God who turns the world upside down by filling those who are hungry for grace and peace and sending the rich and complacent away empty.

Some of my own experiences in my work at Anglicare occurred when I heard and listened to the stories of children and young people and the darkest periods of their life and the change in their lives by love, care and the attention of Foster parents form good families. The light shines in the darkest places when we embrace the light.

I suggest the world needs to hear Mary’s song, perhaps more than ever, as we are a world obsessed with materialism, wealth accumulation and self-interest.

The question for us today and not only us but for all those rushing around at this time of the year is, are we willing, even able to allow God to transform our lives and the lives of those around us, even for a minute.
